Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Voice of An Actor

The voice exercises are very strange, but strange in a good way. The first day, everyone was out of control and I didn't like that. They always giggled, and in this class, I think staying on task is a big deal. (Remeber last year's IB Theatre..eek!..but still fun) But...voice exercises...It really does help to those who need help with pronounciating(sp), and it also helps me, can't really explain how, but it seems to. It keeps me more focused. But it is also hard when you're nervous and your heart is racing fast to concentrate on breathing every two lines. But also, the more I practiced it, the more I became aware that I didn't need to count or remember, it just happened. But the nerves do get the best of me when all at once:YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER TO DO EVERYTHING: breathing, blocking, your LINES, ect. But I'm sure the more I am keen to the sense of controlled breathing, it becomes natural. I love Shakespeare, so doing those sonnets, ..Took My Breath Away....*sigh*

Character Analysis

The Character I am choosing is Peter Pan from the prduction of Peter Pan at the Children's Theatre. The actor, or more like actress who played this was a girl of maybe 17 or 18(don't know actually name of girl). To get into character for Peter Pan who is originally a guy in his not even teens, so around 11 or 12 years of age. This actress must have had to watch the movies and research or supervise how boys around that age act, and the fact that he never wants to grow up. Also being in a "fairy-tale" world of imagination even beyond the basics of acting close up. So this actress at first had to get into character:the voice, the actions, ect. of a 11/12 year old boy. She may have done it that way1: looking at the movie and that's the original piece of the work. So to me, that would be the best way to get into character was watch the movie and just focus on Peter. After doing that, I should say well set into the mind of being Peter Pan is far fetch. 2: watching 11/12 year old boys and taking notes or mental notes on their reactions, how they talk, ect. Become the younger boy-to-be. For vocally, I would make my voice not sound "manly" but not too girly either, but just young, and physically do the actions and hesitations of a young boy, and be energetic..more. Why, because I know if it feels weird at a point or strange, than I am doing it right, and not just caring what everyone else thinks. For me, I don't personally care what people think, I just act it, and give it the best, and be that character. In return I am that character.

Post 1

As you can briefly tell, from the picture above, I want to be a veterinarian, and if you already know me...I love animals. Even spending not even maybe less than an hour with me and you would know all that I have just told you. I know, easy huh? Not really, that's just a scratch on the surface. My .....if you must know is Eleena. That's all you get. End of story....maybe not just yet. I go to Johnson High. It's okay, but the Theatre depot. is the best in the school and the only reason why I decided to stay there after the first year..and not go to SAA. I do strive to get the best education I can get...hence I'm in the IB program, officially now. I'm short. Enough said there. I'm not really sure exactly what ivy leauge college I want to go to yet in GA. All I know is that I want to go to one that has a vet program and I am set. Anything else, just ask me on your own spare person..if I know you. :)